Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OUR tax money is continuing that theme. Our tax money has been spent to install a religious shrine, that WILL continue to be seen and used as an active site of worship. I have a problem with that, and EVERY American who believes in our country's founding principles should too, even if you yourself are Christian.

People have decided this is no longer an issue, and they're wrong. So it's time for people like you and me to tell them why.

The laws of our country are being violated by theocrats, and the longer we sit idly by, the less likely we are to ever reverse the damage.

Let me step in front of the people who are about to call me an "anti-Christian bigot" for far from the first time, and say that this is NOT about there being a cross in a public place; I couldn't care less if, on private property maintained by private money, a 500 foot cross was erected. Even if it's right across from where I live. It would annoy me, but I'd deal with it.

The issue is that this cross - which "miraculously" formed when a building made of cross beams was blown up by OTHER religious fundamentalists - is currently sitting in the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center.

As in, our tax dollars are being spent to house it, to maintain it (not too well incidentally - Hurricane Sandy flooded the museum), and to promote this BLATANT religious artifact.

How blatant? It spent most of the years between now and 9-11 sitting on church property, being blessed and sanctified by every holy man that could get near it. It's being hailed as a "sign from god that he's not abandoned us." Seriously, its SOLE reason for being pulled out of the rubble is to bolster Christian faith, and OUR GOVERNMENT is footing the bill.

Literally, it's being used as a government endorsed Christian shrine. And Christian extremists (and yeah, if you're against the separation of church and state, you're an "extremist") are telling us that we don't have the right for our government to NOT hold up a CROSS - made out of "crossbeams" that make up MOST skyscrapers, so that throws the "divine message" BS out a window - as an important symbol of our country as a whole.

OUR tax money is continuing that theme. Our tax money has been spent to install a religious shrine, that WILL continue to be seen and used as an active site of worship.

I have a problem with that, and EVERY American who believes in our country's founding principles should too, even if you yourself are Christian.

If tax money was being spent to install and maintain a religious artifact of Islam on government-owned property, I guarantee you more than half of the people in favor of this government-sanctioned Christ-shrine would have a proper freak-out over it. And if you don't believe me, think back to how angry people were about an Islamic learning center being built with private funds, blocks away from ground zero. You probably heard about it in the form of a freak-out, as the "Ground Zero Mosque."

And again, practically EVERY building LIKE the World Trade Center was built from beams that are in this shape... That you Christians would honestly stand up and call THIS a miracle proves just how lame your standards for said are.

It's like finding a two-letter word in a bowl of Alphabet soup; I'd be more impressed if you sifted through a few meals and DIDN'T see "NO." And I'd be sad for you if you thought the hot meal was actually trying to tell you something.

This is cut and dry; The separation of church and state is incredibly important. Even if it's your religion that's getting a government rub, folks, it's STILL wrong. If you don't want the government building a shrine to Athena, then you should be against this too.

Because hypocrisy shouldn't be a religious value, even though it frequently looks like it is anyway.

"இந்தி"(தீ)யன் அல்ல தமிழன்டா "

"இந்தி"(தீ)ய ஒன்றியத்தை பற்றி மேலும் விழுப்புணர்விற்க்கு..                         

செங்கீற்றின் தமிழர் தேசிய விடுதலை போர் 

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